Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Page 1 Dares

Make your characters play 'The Game.'
BP if someone says, "I lost the game" at the climax.
DBP if the game is a plot point.
TBP if the game isn't ever explained.

Have your mc be the detective
BP if he already knows the awnser before everyone else
DBP if he hates mimes and the vics are dressed as such
TBP if hes the killer

Have a character always wearing a letter/number
BP if they don't know why
DBP if someone asks and they never get an answer
TBP if it's the MC
Jammy Dodgers if it's a Doctor Who reference

Write a scene entirely devoted to the MC alone in a room looking at a watch
BP if it's a pocket watch
DPB if the watch is a time-travel device
TBP if they start singing "I'm late" from Alice in Wonderland
QDP and a TARDIS if the the whole thing becomes a Doctor Who reference

Your "monster" is a man-eating bowl of pudding
BONUS POINTS: If it was created by an accident in a high school science lab.
DOUBLE BONUS POINTS: If the science teacher is really a mad scientist in disguise and the accident wasn't really an accident.
TRIPLE BONUS POINTS: If the more the pudding eats, the bigger it gets and is soon bigger than houses.
COOKIES: If you keep the whole thing "kid friendly" and never actually kill anyone.

Dare: Use the Urban Dictionary word of the day for every day you write.
BP if it only makes sense to one character.
DBP if that character can only speak in Urban Dictionary and/or very long words.
TBP if everyone somehow understands the character.

nclude the line "I jammed it in so hard, it got stuck in the bone. Do you know how hard it is to pull a knife out of bone?"
BP if it's human bone
DBP if the human can hear this line spoken
TBP if the line is said TO the victim

Have a main character who is a serial killer
BP if the serial killer drives a red car
DBP if the car is a nice red-orange to match potential blood splatter
TBP if the serial killer refuses to hit people with the car on the grounds of "impersonal" murdering

Include a strange shop somewhere in your novel that sells things you could use in a story (e.g. a good quality description of the house next door, a second-hand, slightly dusty suspenseful pause, etc.)
BP if none of your characters find this strange
DBP if one of your characters buys something
TBP if it turns out to be a major plot point/resolves the conflict

Include a ghost that isn't unfriendly, isn't particularly friendly either, doesn't communicate much with the living, and just generally tolerates the people living in his house.
BP if he turns on the radio, just because he likes music
DBP if he takes occasional showers
TBP if the people living in his house (or place or whatever) know about him, and just say "Oh yeah, that was the ghost" like it's nothing weird

Have a character who always carries a towel with him/her.
BP if it's an MC
DBP if the character is hitchhiking at some point in the novel
TBP if it's vital to the plot
QBP if the towel's blue
Two Plates of Cookies and three Cakes: The character has read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.